The New Chicken Season Starts Soon!
Check out our new website.
The dates and prices are current, and you may order for this year now.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting two of the top executives of the chicken industry. They had come to the farm to inspect our soy bean roaster. Turns out they have a non profit project in central Africa to get protein more available to young children and they are considering the same kind of roaster that we use in their African feed mill. They liked the roaster and I got to ask lots of questions.
During the spike in grain prices 5-7 years ago, I would check grocery store chicken prices and they remained pretty constant. Then I would tell my family, those companies sure do have deep pockets because the chicken price does not reflect their added grain costs. Turns out that one big company was only 3 weeks away from bankruptcy. That got my attention.
I also learned that the current cost to produce a 4.5 lb. live bird in confinement is $.37/lb or $1.67 per bird. Our cost for the day old chick is $1.08. so that only leaves $.59 to buy feed and labor to grow that bird for 8 weeks. Our feed is about $.22/lb so we could feed 2.7 lbs of feed which would get us about one pound of meat, and no extra money to pay for our labor. The point is, when a company deals with HUGE economies of scale, the cost of production can drop a lot. We strive to keep our production costs low and pass along those savings, but we can never come close to $.37/lb. Another viewpoint is this: our chicken is not so expensive, but their chicken is ridiculously cheap. Thanks for using some of your discretionary income to buy our poultry and beef. We realize that you have other choices.
We move our poultry from the brooder to the pasture at week 3 and then moved every day to fresh grass. They eat insects, legumes and grass, as well as an antibiotic-free, non-GMO ration of corn and soy, prepared here on the farm, that we feed them. We source the grains directly from the farmer and pass the savings along to you. This year, one of the farmers is our neighbor.
Once again this year, we'll dress the poultry at our on-farm processing facility. You can pick up fresh poultry at our farm the same day, or at a delivery location the next day. Good news, prices will be the same as last year and you can start ordering now!
Chickens Ordering is not required if you get less than 10. For parts you may want to order, to make sure you get what you want.
Turkeys Please order in advance. These will be available in November.
Pasture-finished Beef (Individual parts or bulk)
Our beef is finished on quality pasture instead of feedlot grain. These beeves have been given no antibiotics. $200 deposit for a 1/2 beef and $400 for a whole beef. We expect to process in June and in the fall.
Upcoming Purchasing Dates and Times
FARM: New hours! 3 to 6 p.m. Starting April 25 till October, we will be selling at the farm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
DELIVERY: Springfield, noon to 1 p.m.; Mansfield, contact us for time; Rolla contact us for date/time. Starting April 26 till October, we will be selling at Mansfield and Springfield on the 2nd and 4th Wed.
ROLLA or POPLAR BLUFF: Please contact us for dates and times of delivery.
To order: Go to the "order" tab on our, email us at, call us at 417-277-5869, or write us at Peace Valley Poultry, 8290 CR 1980, West Plains, MO 65775.
Hope you have had a healthy and blessed winter!
Jim & JudyJo Protiva, and Isaac
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." John 8:36